Village Administrator
The Village of West Alexandria is actively seeking to hire a part-time position of Village Administrator. The position of Village Administrator is created by authority of the Village of West Alexandria and Ohio Revised Code 735.273 and shall include such duties as expressed therein. Applications can be obtained here. Resumes must be attached to application.
Completed applications will be received through February, 29, 2020 and must be emailed to the attention of
Mayor, Jeff Hickey,
Full ORC description:
735.273 Village administrator powers and duties.
The village administrator appointed under section 735.271 of the Revised Code shall manage, conduct, and control the water works, electric light plants, artificial or natural gas plants, or other similar public utilities, furnish supplies of water, electricity, or gas, and collect all water, electric, and gas rents.
The village administrator may make such bylaws and regulations as it deems necessary for the safe, economical, and efficient management and protection of such works, plants, and public utilities. Such bylaws and regulations, when not repugnant to municipal ordinances and resolutions or to the constitution of this state, shall have the same validity as ordinances.
The rates for service and charges for municipally owned utilities shall be determined by the legislative authority of the village.
The village administrator shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as are provided in sections 743.05 to 743.07, inclusive, 743.10, 743.11, 743.18, and 743.24 of the Revised Code, and all powers and duties relating to water works in any of such sections shall extend to and include electric light, power, and gas plants, and other similar public utilities.
The village administrator shall supervise the improvement and repair of streets, avenues, alleys, lands, lanes, squares, landings, market houses, bridges, viaducts, sidewalks, sewers, drains, ditches, culverts, ship channels, streams, and water courses as well as the lighting, sprinkling, and cleaning of all streets, alleys, and public buildings and places.
The village administrator shall appoint officers, employees, agents, clerks, and assistants, provided such positions are first authorized by the legislative authority of the village; but such appointments shall be subject to approval by the mayor. Such appointments and the mayor's approval thereof shall be in writing, and shall be filed with the village clerk.
The village administrator shall be under the general supervision and control of the mayor, and shall have such other powers and duties as are prescribed by ordinance or by law and which are not inconsistent herewith. The village administrator shall perform all duties and shall have all powers of boards of public affairs and street commissioners as prescribed by law, except as otherwise provided by this section and in sections 735.271 and 735.272 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-28-1965
247.01 Established.
247.02 Powers and duties.
247.03 Salary.
247.04 Mileage reimbursement.
247.05 Absence or disability.
247.06 Effective date.
Management and control of sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 729.50 et seq.
Composition - see Ohio R.C. 735.28
Powers and duties - see Ohio R.C. 735.29
Bonds - see ADM. 246.01
Sewer rental rates - see S. U. & P. S. 1044.01
The position of Village Administrator is hereby established for West Alexandria, Ohio, pursuant to Ohio R.C. § § 735.271 to 735.273.
(Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000)
The Village Administrator shall have the powers, duties, and functions as contained in the Ohio Revised Code, and such additional powers, duties, and functions as Council may from time to time provide him or her with.
(Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000)
§ 247.03 SALARY.
The compensation for the position of Village Administrator shall be set at ten thousand dollars to twenty-five thousand dollars ($10,000.00 - $25,000.00) per year, based on a minimum of 20 hours per week, payable in 26 pay periods. No medical benefits.
(Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000; Am. Ord. 671, passed 12-4-2000)
The Village Administrator will be reimbursed for mileage for the use of his or her personal vehicle at the current mileage rate established by the Internal Revenue Service.
(Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000)
During the absence or disability for any reason of the Village Administrator, the Mayor may perform the duties and functions of the Village Administrator with all attendant powers.
(Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000)
This chapter shall be effective from and after April 3, 2000. Prior to the date, the Mayor shall appoint the first West Alexandria Village Administrator to begin working as Village Administrator on the effective date, and as of the date, the West Alexandria Board of Trustees of Public Affairs shall be abolished and the term of office of members of such Board shall terminate. Further, as of the date, all contracts entered into by the West Alexandria Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and rules and regulations and other action taken by such Board shall continue in effect until they have terminated of their own accord or until they shall have been modified, changed, revised, amended, or repealed in the manner provided by law. Finally, as of the date, the Village Administrator shall step into the shoes of the West Alexandria Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and have all their powers, duties, and functions.
(Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000)